[ Mood-Less ]
Haiz, Got no mood for everything. Dont feel like doing my D&T anymore. Yesterday went church with ms lim again. Felt much better after that. Then found out the church i went is New Creation Church.
GOt letter from Wuzong. So happy, this is the first time i recieve letter from them. Hmm.. so im going for a interview on mon at 8.. Hope it goes on smoothly and i'll be in ji xun dui in no time. :D Pinxiu wrote my testimonal.. LOLz.. so nice of her.. Although i asked her to write.. LOLz.
Msg for Pinxiu: Pinxiu!!! u mus jiayou too!! Remember to do your best for this nat comp.. And GO mynamar Together. Haha.. Then Next time will see our singapore's taiji champion le!!! Shen Pinxiu! Teehee~

[[ My eyes were swollen]]
Haiz, was like darn angry lor.. fuck de! cant make myself to say this word.. how i wish i can scold all those fucking words out of my mouth!! Itz like so Fucking angry n sad LOR! Msg ms lim.. she told me to pray. Haiz. Does praying really helps? if It does? here i pray..
Dear lord, PLEASE BLESS MY FAMILY!! in the name of jesus..
I wonder can he see that? Haiz.. Cried alot today.. till eyes swollen.. itz like very painful. I notice something.. I care for people.. but i dont show it. or rather i do not express myself? Haiz. I dunno la.. Im not good at sweet words. I would jus care deep down inside my heart.
Hai.. now trg changed daes again.. now become onli tue n thurs train onli.. sianz.. I NEEDA START MY D&T FOILO! haiyoz.. still haben do sia..

[ S . A . D ]
hai. Today dint go school, too tired.. i dunno y so tired also. Haiz. Met seeteng at tpy mac to do her blog.. Haiyo.. i became her blog technician man.. LOL.. *eham* sounds so great har? LOL. Went back school to have lunch.
Went mac again.. did abit of dnt stuffs.. finally started it. LUckily she was there man! i could ask her everything. =) (thank you seeteng!) Went to take train.. Argh.. stupid NEL! sucks man! always Jaming~ got stuck at farrer park n potong pasir for about 3-4mins! i was nearly late for training!
As per usual.. hahaa... i reached there.. i was the 1st 1 there again.. *Diaoz* Omg.. Today coach told us the news... about who went ji xun dui. Kindda sad when i heard that. Although im getting in. It's like, hearing the names being read.. and u hope 2 hear ur fren's name. but it never came out from coach's mouth.
I shall not mention the names. Until the letter reach our homes. There will onli be 9 of us would be getting in ji xun dui. And im one of them. Happy guessing... People. =) Gotta dig for 2 passport photos again..

School was alrite today.. COs.. NO Moron's lesson!!! haha. today time passed quite fast in class.. Omg. My patner beside me really behaves like a cat man!! Her name is MiaoLing.. Everyone call her Miao or MiaoMiao. That Greedy cat.. always asking for more chocolate.
Stayed back in school to do D&T. Finally Old faggot nv nag at me.. LOL! YEAH!! *clap clap* Gonna finish my artifact.. Doesnt look nice.. but who cares man! Hope the next session.. put the sealer then wont leak.. or else.. i think im gonna fail.. lolz. that electronic cost me 57 bucks! Itz like you.. know.. itz a different feeling when u see ur parts n pieces of materials get lesser n joint up together.. felt so.. Man zhu.. We were the last to go off again. went home at 5.30pm.
Got home.. saw a KOlar bear in my hse!!! LOL! Gosh.. mama cutted miko's fur... left her face the fur never cut.. LOL!!! really do look like a kolar bear.. n her colour is like.. greyish pepper colour.. LOL!! in the end i went on cutting her facial face to look more like a dog..
Went trg. This time was much much better.. LOL! 4 person turned up for trg~ Izzent that great? *sarcastic* Weiqi came into the gym and did those leg strengthing stuffs again. haha.. coach took daijin as a guinea pig.. and suai her!!! muahaha.. she fell~ i kept laughing. *evil* Anyway.. injuried my toe again.. hurts like shit man!!! Damn Painful. Coach was kind... he told me i need not pay him e insurance money. ^_^

*She Seems To Be My Guiding Star... And Brought Me Back To Church*
^.- went for this bible study with my ex sch teacher. The teacher i respect most, although there were some misunderstanding in the past. Wah.. 1 whole year never see her man. Talked to her as if she was my long lost friend. She dint change much. Told her my progress in my competitions. Oh dear, she guided me somehow. Saying that these are my strenght. I should go towards this path.
Bible study was quite alright. Never been to church for about 2 yrs? The last time i went church was like 2 yrs back.. haha! Gosh! It was like so embrassing~ I forgot how to find those verse n chapters in the bible! haha.. End up sharing her bible. Felt so bu hao yi shi...
We were like talking about school P.E, and i heard from her.. Coral's P.E was like.. Much more intresting then ours! Although thier's is after school, But they get to choose wad they want! So cool man!! She told me this indcident happen in Genting. It was suppose a camp or something i think. They live in this hotel.. Which was HUANTED!! Grr.. *hair stands*
It started off like this... They were assigned to 2 different stories. which was level 23 n 24. This groups of guys who were in the level 23 room.. they started taking pics with thier digicam. I think he took a picture of him.. But! the pic came out as HEADLESS!!! Only his body was shown. So.. u played around making fun. Then Another 1 took a pic of his blanket when he was sitting down.. the Picture turns out to be a rotten arm i think? Gross rite? The next morning they passed the camera around showing everyone. So.. the OM changed their room to the 24th level. There was still another room of students in level 23 but not the huanted room. This guy was bathing n.. the mirror fogged.. so he took a closer look n saw a green head!!!! ARGH!~ n he ran out.. calling for Miss Lim.
haha.. so Miss Lim rushed back to her room to meet those people. Thier face were very pale. Anyway, there were 6 boys there.. So miss lim told them to join the gers in the room which makes 10. while she goes down and check the room. When she jus open the 23th level room door.. the phone rang.. and asked her to rush up. she rushed up and the OM mr sam was there too.. cos.. 1 ger was posess by ghost.. then that mr sam say.. i leave everything to you.. i go check the others... OMG!!! USELESS MAN!!! LOL....
She tried calling her name.. And at first she gave an evil smile.. YUCKS! SOUNDS SO DISGUSTING! Miss lim told her.. Okie.. I am going to pray for u now. -blar blar blar- (cant rmb wad she said) think is something like.. I command u to leave in the mighty name of jesus! SOO COOL RITE!!! SHE's SO BRAVE!!! That ger was wearing a sweater n covered herself with blacnket. She said she was very cold when ms lim asked her how she felt. Then slowly.. at 3am it was finally gone.. The ger return back to normal n said "wah~ very hot sia" DARN FUNNY!!! LOL.. COS SHE TOLD ME IN A DIFFERNT TONE OF VOICE.. LOL!!!

hmm.. Got stress again from coach.. haha. Once and again hes stressing theres a external competition. And asked if im turning 18 years old before Nov. Luckily nv clash with anything. He said those who are going for the comp will be send to china for 1 mth intensive training. Which is on Oct~ HEng leh~ my papers finish on 11th oct! Tee hee~~
hope can go ba.. i noe theres a price to pay for everything. so wad i gotta do is to train hard n jian fei within this few mths. Gotta go down til 47kg. But! im 51 now~ LOLZ.. 4kgs sia!! wish me luck =)

INternet is back!!! haha.. mirical sia.. FUCK! but now another prob! my screen auto black out.. then i'll have to... *evil laughter* TOrture it!!! by smacking it!!! muahahaa.. stupid comp.. when can u stop giving me TroublE!!! Argh.. darn comp. haiz.. NO $1000!!! so sad sia~
Tmrl meeting seeteng again. then maybe meet lionel.. that vain guy.. lolz! wanna see pimple doctor! haha.. Hope can cope with tmrl's training.
Thats all Fokes

[ [ UpDatEs ] ]
HAiz.. i suddenly miss lai yong sheng's training. Hmm... suan le.. Haiyo! wad the heck am i doing man! out of 5 daes of sch.. i went 3 daes onli.. Die la~ Lazy me! Mus not let this happen next week. i mus try to go sch everydae next week.
[ [ TuesDay ] ]
Seeteng came over to my sch. So SHoik sia she!! School ends at 12pm for her~ And!! she has got a personal laptop which has wireless connection~ Gr~ im so jealous man!!! lolz. Oh ya.. same old thing la.. kanna nag by that old man.. my d&t teacher.. Seeteng accompany me to genectron to collect my genie board. but now.. its still giving me trouble! stupid electronic~ the LED light still cant light up! After that we went mac... HAHA!! Wireless connection rocks man! surf net in MacDonalds~ sounds cool rite?? lolz. even helped her with her diary.
[ [ Thursday ] ]
Argh~ hate TBS!! (TEO BOON SENG) Idoitic fellow~ He's my maths teacher.. made us go for detention. jus becos nv hand up work. His double period was gone by all those arguments with the class.. lolz. In the end... I still Pon dentention.. LOL~ 1st time went back for d&t after school.. Oh gossh!! i use the machine saw my wood for 1 hr!! -.-" Cos.. the 1st machine i used.. half way.. the blade break.. lolz.. so changed machine.. sO sian sia~ After cutting that i went off laioz.
[ [ Friday ] ]
went back sch for d&t. That old faggot was shock to see me. Dint manage to do much... cos... i BROKE another BLADE!!! LOLZ! Wah... on the way to canteen saw samantha(my junoir) coming down.. face so black, walk until so xia lan. Found out the reason  from xingyan. LOlz.. lame sia. stupid idoit.. always acting bossy.. Went for training.. saw someone wearing white in the training hall.. it was WEIQI!!! hes back already~ he even came into the gym to do the leg press.. guess he recovered already.

[[SanShou Championship]]

Hee.. hi guys
now at lionel house again using the net. Okiez.. i shall update u guys about the comp. My semi-final i fought with a girl frm . She's 23 years old. Quite skinny taller then me.. wah laoz.. darn stress. MUAHAHAHA.. Guess wad? I TKO her within 1 min! AHAHAHAHAHAH.. I onli remembered i ended the fight with a right turning kick to her padding. Then she gave up already.


Fought with GOh su pin. KAOX! nv gonna forget her name man!!! i was so demoralise e 1st round. Cos.. She's a boxer. A student of kadir, who was formally our boxing coach for 1 mth. Her punches were darn heavy man! LUckily i still could take it.. I think she Weight MORE THEN 52kg!!!! that BUTCH! oh ya.. did i mention? SHES A BUTCH!!! Argh..!!! im gonna faint man. 1st round i lost. 2nd round.. amazing won.. haha!!! proceed to 3rd round. That round was totally mental game man! Both of us were darn tired.

Heee.. guess wad?? i play cheat! LOL.. i keep asking the refree to adjust my head gear n i was trying to take my time to breath!! HOhohOoo.. It was really the slowest match i've fought! i kept thinking when is it gonna end?? Everyone was cheering.. "XIaoHEI!!! jiayou!!!.. JIan CHi... KICK!!!" haha.. those cheers really kept me moving man! I really have to thank them for building the atmoshpere. Yeah! 3rd round i've won~

And.... Im the Champion for this yr's Opens Women 52kg Sanshou Championship! I felt so proud! Coach was happy too.. even hugged him. Although i win Goh su pin.. I think shes really great! the best opponent i ever fought.. the toughest of all i've fought.

Hope can get into ji xun dui.. im rotting at home.