Outing w wushu ppl.. or rather.. some ex-wz ppl

was super duper bored yesterday. sms-ed val n jun.. asked if they were gg out. then met them.. Argh.. they went nooch noodle bar for dinner.. gosh.. wallet almost got burnt.

peifang came.. WAh!! chio bu! she became v slim!! pretty mama.. ahah.. V cute.. went borders for coffee bean.. ordered black forest ice blender.. super nice!! shall have that nxt time. joyce, fangjie n robbin came aft that.

1 grp of us was like.. gossiping.. LOL.. abt.. yj n yk.. wahahhaa.. so fun~ jiaqi said he might organise chalet on dec.. yea~ long time nv go chalet le! watch 12.15am movie.. 7 swords.. v chim.. LOL.. but e swords v nice!!

Got a lift home from jiaming.. soo shuang. LOLz.. no need spent on mid nite cab fare.

haa.. jus read bl's(god son) friendster blog..

"thE 1sT tHing shE do is To huG us..haha..1st tiMe huG laR..noT weiRd at alL..feEl beRi coMfoRtaBle anD hoMelY.." dint noe my hug was that powderful.. ahaha..

1st time hug them.. the hug comes frm the heart. cos i really missed them. 2 Great ppl.. great frenz.. 1986 rawks! i seldom hug ppl de hor.. Wahahah.

;P both of them are my irc frenz. really dint expect to be frenz for that long.. i'll treasure this friendship! U BOth are my Greatest God son N nai nai!!!

YES! 4 Golds, 2 Silver n 5 Bronze!!

Singapore im proud of u!! anyway.. some funny things happen in the hotel. the young ones wanted to organise a party in thier room.. as in invite other countries over to thier room to have fun.

yd called n took some orders.. ahaha.. i wanted satay!! lolx.. hongkong team, china team captain n japan team came over.. let them tried it.. the japs tried.. n went.. Oeshi!! then kept eating. ahaha.. soo cute!!

the hotel manager stomp in.. n screamed.. "this room is onli for 3 ppl! how many of u here! Im gonna call ur coach up!" Darn idoiotic lor!! Bitch.. ZJ requested for 10 mins to clear up n pack up.. but she refused. she went out n made a call.. the hk captain was like.. trying to explain nicely to her.. but she still called..

The V.chair of snwf came in.. the first words frm his mouth was.. DO U NOE WHO AM I?! wa lao eh.. some more look at me n asked me.. of cos i nod my head lar.. ahaha.. but actually nobody noes.. the hk cap came in.. the V.chair tot he was 1 of us.. darn funny lar.. he was like.. team singapore image got ruin bcoz of u ppl. u wan me to report to upper level n sack all of u? he said that to e hk guy also.. ahaha.. aft the hk guy explained.. he was like soo malu. so funny..

anyway.. i still think the hk cap v SHUAI!!! ;P~ he v nice also! he still came back n explained for us.. n was like.. nvm.. this has made the trip more memorable..

yay! met lionel n jiahao for prata again ytd.. haha.. gd gd.. v gd. V nice feeling to you hua zhi shou.. say everything out.. very.. fren feeling.. ahahha..

went chinatown after that.. went to look for lao lu.. ;P he was doing tui na for this youngster.. n that guy said.. "eh.. if it getting more painful im gonna hit u" wah lao eh! bloody fucker.. lu lao shi is like.. at least 50 yrs his senoir lor. asshole lei!

oh yar.. now my mother's side family is like complaining.. how come i went for op i dint tell them.. haha.. wad a joke man.. let it be lar.. so many mouths against 1.. i actually told pat bo bo before lor.. wtf.. now blame everything on me? go die lar.. tmd..


Yar.. finally cried out.. haha.. they were like.. Oh... yen sun made another girl cried.. lolz. really ta bo lei tahan already.. was like trying to run away.. then dr cormac came in.. blocked me.. n i got tortured... scream... ARRRR!!!! WAAAHHHH......!! n cried.. hahaha..

ahaha.. so useless rite.


hai.. feel like quiting sch. if i wan.. i shld cos i haben pay this term's sch fee.. i dunno.. caught in middle.. jus wanna focus on recovery. Argh.. im foolish.. dumb.. ARgh.. i dunno.

having wushu display on 23rd july.. (sat) still looking ppl to go w me.. yanyan haben reply me yet.. bery slow neh.. haiyo.. lookin forward for e display thing.. coz bl said she'll let me hug her!! lol.. crazy~ yay!! hope nai nai wld be there too.. then we'll hug together.. yay!! mus be bery heartwarming.. lol!

hope by then.. i'll noe how to get down steps.. indoor stadium alot of steps lei.. hope i dun miss 1 step n roll down.. hahaa.

ohh.. drifting away frm yd also.. dunno lar.. mayb is coz aft he pissed me off. bth him.. very saddist lei.. i am too.. but i can kan kai yi dian.. hai.. hope to get my $$ back frm him asap. getting bankcrupt soon.. hai.

Yay!! im getting back to the circle.. I wanna go for bible studies on thurs/fri!! God u rawk! have faith n grace wld come. =) i have faith.. i'll keep the faith burning! =)

ooh.. doc said i need 9 mths to recover.. 9 mths then can go back kicking.. anyway, saw xinni at ssc on fri.. then acc her back to sch.. aha.. we were eating n 2 girls came to us saying they had to do a survey.. it reminds me of lavina.. lol.. my eng partner last yr.. the 1 who endure w me thru moron's scoldings.. ahaha. the girl who took my survey name is grace..n i'll like to thank her.. haha.. really. after that survey.. i went home.. n decided i shld go back to church..

anyway.. jus got back to church today.. yea.. alone.. again.. ahaha.. well.. let's hope god wld hear my prayers n send a person to acc me for sevices.. ahah.

i miss ms lim!! hai.. long time nv see her lei.. she was e one who bot me back to church.. oh yar.. was packin my room.. ytd.. found lots of notebooks.. lol.. saw 1 of e notebook that writes.. the day before my birthday.. yea.. was abt how excited of meeting px cos she said she had something for me.. another 1 was abt the bible ms lim bot for me.. 24th sept.

everything screeewed up man!.. wth..

Argh.. out of sch of 2 weeks n everything changed! timing of timetable also changed.. wth.. POn-ed sch cos when i got outta ssc i msg my classmate.. she told me class started already.. darn sianz lar..

anyway.. i've forgive her.. since she called.. ahahha.. at least she called n borther to ask how am i.. all i want is jus a little attention, care n concern.. wads wrong w it? ur'e my sis u noe.. is'nt that suppose to be natural?

Physio session is killing me.. siew huei bend n stri8ten my leg like shit.. n it hurts! it really hurts!!! seldom see me go.. " ARGH!!!! PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!" ahahha.. yes... thats how painful it is.

well well.. had been trying to dao somebody.. but found out.. no point lar.. they can be very nice good frens... but not mine.. i shall search high n low for other frenz i can trust n they can trust.. trust is a 2 way thing.. u dun trust me how i trust u...? right?

think this entry is full of crapz.. maybe onli teng will understand.